Trademark Search


Why search for similar trademarks?

One of the most common reasons applications are rejected is because the applied-for trademark is too similar to an already registered one and there’s a likelihood of confusion. This means customers are likely to think your goods or services come from the same source as another party’s goods or services. Before you apply to register a trademark, conduct a clearance search to see if someone else already registered that trademark or a similar one.

A comprehensive clearance search typically involves searching our trademark database of federally registered and applied-for trademarks, state trademark databases, and the internet.

Although it can seem overwhelming, completing these searches before you file can help you avoid costly and time-consuming issues with your trademark application.

One of the most common reasons trademark applications are rejected is because the proposed trademark is too similar to an already registered trademark. This can create a likelihood of confusion, where customers might think the goods or services associated with the new trademark actually come from the same source as those associated with the existing registered trademark.

To avoid this issue, it's crucial to conduct a comprehensive trademark clearance search before you apply to register a new trademark. This involves searching various databases, including the federal trademark registry, state trademark registries, and the internet, to see if someone else has already registered a similar trademark.

Completing these searches upfront can help you avoid significant problems down the line. If your proposed trademark is too similar to an existing one, your application may be rejected, which can be a costly and time-consuming process. By identifying potential conflicts early on, you can either choose a different trademark or make adjustments to differentiate your mark from the existing one, increasing the chances of your application being approved.


Let our experts conduct your trademark search and increase your chances of approval.

Call us for a free consultation

(647) 818-2532
(416) 871-3466